Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Love, Schwannomas and French Accents

First of all, I want to thank each of you who read, commented, texted, e-mailed, sent candy bouquets, etc.! You have NO IDEA how much your love and support means to me. It means the world. And having you in my life makes this journey so much more tolerable. Thank you.

Incidentally, I really didn't receive a candy bouquet. But that would be rad if I were to receive one soon. ;-)

My work colleague, Mary (AKA the best, most amazingly wonderful communications assistant on the planet), sent me a news story with this note attached to it:

My dearest, lovely, coolest, smartest, most beautiful woman in the world, Joey:
It'd be pretty freakin' awes if you came out of surgery with a normal looking face & a sweet accent ... just sayin!

That made me giggle.

Incidentally, I made up that salutation, but I know Mary really believes all those things.

I thought about changing the name of my blog today to My My My My Schwannoma. I still might. But first I Googled it to see if anyone else has used the name.

I didn't find a blog with the same name, but I did find this brilliant masterpiece.

That video led me to this video about a girl with an addiction claiming that she'd be better off with a brain tumor. Wow, that really pissed off a lot of people with brain tumors.

Incidentally, I am tracking how many times I use the word "incidentally."

This blog post is really random today.

I got some sleep last night - asleep before midnight, which is early for me. Thus, today I haven't had one headache, but I've been incredibly dizzy. I think it's because I was sniffing Sharpies earlier this morning.

Incidentally, that was a joke.

I am going to stop writing now before I bore myself to tears.

I'll be more clever tomorrow.

Ancora Imparo!


  1. Joey, I have been considering starting a blog of my own recently. Reading yours makes me want to get started...soon! If only I was a wonderful writer like you. ♥ Sending you lots of Love, my dear. Call/text/FB/MySpace (does anyone still MySpace?) anytime! (((hugs)))

  2. Dude in the video had a whopper compared to yours, unless maybe your head is eight times as big as his. I continue to be ebulliantly and annoyingly optimistic about the whole damn thing.

  3. Yes, I do in fact believe all of those things you mentioned in your made up salutation!

    Glad to hear that the Crazy English Woman with Migraine/Brain Issues Turns French made you giggle :) (And I still think it'd be pretty sweet if you woke up with an least temporarily.)
